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Synopsis :
D. Kumar takes on the twin roles of Khan Saheb an urban businessman by day and an urban vigilante Azaad by night. Heroine is Shobha (Kumari) Shoba, after the death of her parents is brought up by Charandas his fathers friend. She is kidnapped by Sunder. A man of the same village Azaad, who is talked of as a dacoit, rescues Shobha.
Shobha is impressed with the honourable and cultured life lead by Azaad and his people and takes a fancy to him. Police at every stage, is confused and misguided that Azaad is the real culprit.
In the meanwhile, Khan Saheb, a gentleman of that place, believed to be a friend of Azaad, escorts Shobha safely to her house. On getting information from Shobha police approach Khan Saheb for help in the investigation of the cases. Khan Saheb promises to do his best.
Sunder, finding no other way to get at Shobha succeeds Kidnapping Charandas and forces Shobha for marriage. Khan Saheb gives all clues to police and now Azaad is a free man and all cases against him stand null and void. Police attack on Sunder’s party. Azaad appears there also and save the situation and disappears. Charandas, who feels indebted to Azaad, arranges a dinner and sends invitation to Azaad through Khan Saheb, Azaad does not attend the dinner. All are anxious to know he is, Khan Saheb tells Azaad’s story.