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Synopsis: Madhu Roy comes to India to study medicine all the way from Bangla Desh. She meets with fellow student Vijay Chatterjee, and after a few misunderstandings both of them fall in love. Vijay takes Madhu to introduce her to his mother, who approves of her, and would like to meet with her dad to finalize their marriage. One day when Vijay's mom goes to meet Madhu in her hostel room, she sees a photograph of Madhu with an older man. Thereafter, she wants Vijay to cut off all relations with Madhu, and will not even talk to Madhu as to why she has changed her mind about their marriage. She then travels to Bangla Desh in order to meet the man in the photograph with Madhu, and it is here she will find out if indeed Vijay and Madhu are about to commit incest, as both may be brother and sister from the same man - her husband - who she believed died in the early 1970s during the turmoil when Bangla Desh was formed after separating from Pakistan.