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Synopsis: They met in the glamorous holiday world of Simla. She (RUPA)was a ravishing beauty, and he (ASHOK) a rich and handsome man about-town. It was generally conceded that they would have the ideal couple, if only Ashok did not tease and ment Rupa every time he met her. Could, then, such a situation blossom into love? The answar was provided when Ashok followed Rupa back to Bombay, to win her heart and the approval of Rupa’s mother a woman professing an ultra-modern view of love ans life. So much so, that she deliberately shut out a disturbing incident that lurked in the shadows of the days gone by. The imminent announcement of an engagement brought Rupa’s cousin (SONIA) rushing to Bombay. Sonia had pinned her hopes on claming Ashok as her very own, and the day when she had introduced him to Rupa. In a fit of jealous and remorse, she told Ashok of the harrowing truth- the truth that Ruoa’s mother had tried so hard to hide. Sonia was confident that no man could even marry Rupa. but Ashok was made of a different calibre. He lived very much in the present, and readily accepted Rupa for what she was., and not for what she may have been. The ideal romance was about to culminate in a happy union when.... the vows of uneasy past echoed and re-echoed louder and louder, till Rupa’s conscience would not allow her to ever again face the man she so deeply loved, She began to re-trace her steps towards her Destiny and the story of Rupa’s destiny is the story of a brief encounter that will be remembered for a longtime to come.