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36 China Town promises to be an entertaining film about all three kinds of people, with different motivations.
Raja and Priya are two important protagonists who want to help society by earning money. While another couple, Vicky and Soniya want to make money and don't want to do any service to Society.Madam Sushmita is the owner of a casino. She is corrupting society, but for her, it's only business. Madam has a 5-year-old son who disappears.
Madam Sushmita places ads in the papers offering a handsome reward for the child's recovery. Raj and Priya find the child, and these are the same characters that have been desperately looking for ways to make money, and also have the good of Society at heart.
So Raj and Priya, who are strangers to each other, become business partners just for the reward money. Because of the kid, they become friends too. The child gets attached to them. The child starts calling them papa and mama, addressing them as father and mother. They pretend to be a married couple. While on their way to return the child, Raj and Priya fall in love.
Raj and Priya take the child and reach Madam Sushmita palace at midnight and find a hand of a corpse. Petrified, they vanish from the premises, and even forget that they have left their suitcase behind. Along with, of course, their footprints. Because of their footprints and their suitcase, they are declared the killers of Madam Sushmita.