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Colonel Mahendranath falls a victim to his own suspicious nature, when he drinves his wife, Jamuna, out of the house on a baseless allegation. They had a two years old son Mohan. As Colonel would not have her back she succeeds to get her son through the help of Kanpur, a stranger, in exhange of all the jewellery on her person and leaves for an unknown destination. Colnel's attempt to catch Kapur, while kidnappeing the child, is foiled by their car's accident in which Dr. Prem, a friend of Colonel, is killed. Soon after, Colonerl repents for his baseleas suspicion against his wife and tries to get her back without any success. The dejected Colonel adppts Dr. Prem's only daughter, Mohana, and starts his life a-new. Years go by and Mohana is now a grown up girl. Mohan briught up by his mother in Kashmir, comes to visti Delhi with his friend. In a coffee house he meets Mohan and immediately recognises her, as he knew all about his father. Both get friendly and roma about the whole of Delhi & Agra. By dusk they realise that in one day they have come too close to even think of separation. Next day Mohana has to go to Kashimr with her friends to participate in a Youth festival, and Mohan also returns to Kashmir. Both meet in Kashimr again and their love reaches its climax when the fate turns against them. In Delhi the old crook Kapur meets Colonel and informs that his son is in Kashmir and his mother's deathe has shokced him to madness. Colonel goes to Kashmir and meets the young man. His name is Ramesh but he has got the same locket around his neck which Mohan used to wear as a child. Colonel is very happy to meet his son. Receiving Mohana's presence and care, Ramesh improves. Colonel is convinced that his on needs Mohana's love and affection. His firm decidion that Mohana must marry his invalid son and the cunning treacherous game played by Kapur and his accomplices on one side and the endless deep love between Mohan and Mohana on the other.